VWR_201-0030_连接头配件 NS29/32_PTFE 0.05mm thick

VWR_201-0030_连接头配件 NS29/32_PTFE 0.05mm thick

连接头配件 NS29/32_PTFE 0.05mm thick

PTFE 0.05mm thick

  • 原厂型号

  • 品牌

  • 单件重量

  • 货期

商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Sleeves for standard ground joints

PTFE, 0,05 mm thick
For fitting onto standard ground cones. Easily detachable and suitable for repeated use. Joint grease is not needed.
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Gas, liquid and vacuum-tight (to 0,1 mbar)
  • Temperature resistant from ?200 to +280 °C
