耐洁/Nalgene_2560-0490_无菌Biotainer替换盖_生物储存器两口盖,聚丙烯;硅胶衬垫 4个/箱

耐洁/Nalgene_2560-0490_无菌Biotainer替换盖_生物储存器两口盖,聚丙烯;硅胶衬垫 4个/箱

无菌Biotainer替换盖_生物储存器两口盖,聚丙烯;硅胶衬垫 4个/箱

生物储存器两口盖,聚丙烯;硅胶衬垫 4个/箱

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商品信息 商品参数 评价(0)

Nalgene 无菌Biotainer替换盖,聚丙烯带硅胶里衬,直径48毫米

Protect the contents in your Thermo Scientific Biotainer bottles and carboys. 

Thermo Scientific Nalgene Sterile Polypropylene Biotainer Replacement Closures 

are for 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20L polycarbonate Biotainers.


  • Designed to fit only Nalgene bottles to provide a guaranteed leakproof system.
  • Polypropylene with silicone liner
  • Closure size: 48mm

Ordering Information:

  • Packaged individually; 1 per bag, 6 bags or 50 per case, 300 in a case.
